Every child who has ever lived at Windows is very special to us and a lifelong member of the Windows family.
The grownups tend to stay with us for a long time (21 years is our current record holder!) so there is a good chance that the grownups who looked after you are still here and will remember you.
Wherever life takes you, you are always welcome to visit us for a cup of tea and a chat. You can call ahead arrange a time or you can pop in if you're passing by. Either way we'd love to see you and hear all about how you're doing.
If you are under the age of eighteen or over eighteen but continue to be supported by a social worker you should seek the permission of your social worker before getting in touch.
It is important that the Windows managers and local authorities are aware of any contact between carers and former residents so please refrain from contacting the grownups directly. The best way to speak to people you remember is either by calling us or paying us a visit.
Best wishes from all your friends at Windows.